26 August 2020
Reputation management: navigating turbulent times for long-term success
On 19 August 2020, Stuart Thomson participated in Signal Media’s webinar on ‘Reputation Management: navigating turbulent times for long-term success’.
He joined speakers from KPMG and Hotwire Global to discuss how companies can keep a long-term perspective on reputation when confronted with the challenges posed by COVID-19, systemic racism, sustainability and more.
They covered topics including:
- the importance of authenticity and strong brand values;
- routinely taking the temperature of your reputation;
- people first: ensuring your internal engagement is as strong as your external; and
- speaking the language of leadership to help them understand the value of comms
The discussion also builds on Signal Media’s whitepaper, ‘Why proactivity is the key to managing a reputation’, of which Stuart is the main author.
The webinar is available to download and view here.