Keep housing targets to build new homes, says Cambridgeshire Development Forum
BDB Pitmans, represented by Katy Klingopulos and Angus Walker, is a member of Cambridgeshire Development Forum, a group of property developers, land promoters, planners and those advising them who collectively have an interest in development in the Cambridgeshire region. The Forum meets monthly with national, regional and local bodies involved in planning development and infrastructure with the objective of promoting effective planning and high-quality delivery of commercial and residential property developments across the region. The Forum is chaired by Lord Andrew Lansley, former MP for South Cambridgeshire who now sits in the House of Lords.
The Forum has this week issued a response to the Government’s consultation on proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework, which is the framework which Local Authorities are required to have reference to when making local plans and setting out clear national policies. The Forum argues against the removal of a five year housing land supply requirement and supports a minimum number of permissions relative to target delivery to be set to protect against under delivery of housing. It also warns against allowing Local Authorities to override housing need calculated on the ‘standard method’ if this allows them to reduce the target housing numbers in their area, given the backdrop of the housing crisis.
The Government is now considering the responses to the consultation and has indicated that they will respond in the spring.
Below follows the official CDF’s official press release, reproduced with their kind permission
In its response on 2 March 2023, to the Government’s consultation on changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), the Cambridgeshire Development Forum (CDF) called for the national housing target to be kept, and that it should be the minimum number of homes which local authorities plan to deliver. They also asked for planning guidance not to change the Standard Method (SM) to an ‘advisory starting-point.’
The CDF said that the changes proposed by the Government to the NPPF would reduce the supply of new homes. They argued that the SM should be a minimum, and that permissions should be set at 70% above the target for the safe delivery of the required number of new homes. In the CDF’s response to the consultation they also said that,
‘removing the presumption in favour of sustainable development will do no more than hard-wire into the plan-making system the reluctance of local authorities to identify deliverable sites.’
Their response concludes by saying that without the mandatory adherence to national housing targets in the NPPF, the power to deliver against national housing need will be lost.