01 February 2022
Legal director Mustafa Latif-Aramesh enrolled as a Parliamentary Agent
David Mundy Partner & Parliamentary Agent
Mustafa Latif-Aramesh Partner & Parliamentary Agent
BDB Pitmans are delighted to announce that Mustafa Latif-Aramesh, Legal Director in its planning, infrastructure and public law team, has been enrolled as a Roll A Parliamentary Agent.
Parliamentary Agents are specialist lawyers who have been authorised by Parliament to promote and oppose private and hybrid legislation, such as Phase 2b of High Speed Two (HS2). Mustafa is the youngest Parliamentary Agent to be enrolled for a generation and his enrolment means that one in three active Parliamentary Agents in private practice work for BDB Pitmans.
David Mundy, Partner at BDB Pitmans and President of the Society of Parliamentary Agents, said:
‘We are delighted Mustafa has been admitted to the Roll of Parliamentary Agents. With the recent introduction by the government of the High Speed 2 Hybrid Bill extending the route to Manchester, Mustafa is an important addition to the team of Agents with the expertise to advise clients on the procedures involved. In addition, admission to the Roll is a significant personal achievement.’
Mustafa said:
‘I am delighted to be part of an institution which, as the deposit of the HS2 Phase 2b Bill shows, is vital. I look forward to continuing to assist Promoters and Petitioners through the Parliamentary process.’