We stand in solidarity with our friends and clients in Ukraine and all those who have loved ones there.

We are all shocked and appalled at the unprovoked attack on Ukraine. The Russian bombing of the Babyn Yar memorial in Kyiv is particularly symbolic. The memorial commemorates the 33,771 Jewish civilians who were massacred by the Nazis at Babyn Yar.
As a firm we have been advising the Babyn Yar Memorial Center with its efforts to expand its global footprint. The Memorial Center’s work to maintain the memorial, preserve the testimony of survivors and develop education programmes are of central importance to prevent such crimes from happening again.
In light of these tragic events BDB Pitmans will be supporting not only the work of the Memorial Center but also the Ukrainian Humanitarian Appeal which has been established in partnership with the Disasters Emergency Committee.
We stand in solidarity with our friends and clients in Ukraine and all those who have loved ones there.
‘Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it’
If you’re able to donate, see The Big Give page here: https://bit.ly/3hADg82