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Work Experience

At BDB Pitmans, we believe that work experience isn’t just about gaining experience in an area of interest; it’s also about developing skills and equipping young people with the tools needed to excel in their career journey.

What do we offer?

Our programmes are designed to give you an initial insight into law firm life. Amongst other activities, this could include the opportunity to:

network with a wide variety of colleagues from across the firm’s legal and business services sectors, learning about their own journeys and personal insights into their profession, with the opportunity to ask your own questions.
develop your CV and interview skills with support from our HR team.
spend an afternoon with your department of interest, experiencing the day to day life of a law firm professional, picking up new skills along the way.
hear from colleagues about alternative routes into the legal sector, such as Solicitor Apprenticeships and CiLEX; and
engage in an activity that challenges your teamwork and legal research skills.
Develop your presentation, public speaking and personal branding skills

Key Dates

We hold in-person work experience programmes of varying lengths across all of our office locations in London, Cambridge, Reading and Southampton throughout the year.

Applications open in April for our London Summer WEX Programme, and August for our October half term programme. Find out more below.

The Reading programme will be held during half term in February 2025 with applications opening in November 2024.
Southampton – check back for further details which will be released shortly.
Cambridge – check back for further details which will be released shortly.
London – our work experience programme will be held in July 2025. Applications open in April 2024. For hints and tips on applying, click here.

Who can apply?

You must be 16-18 years old and in school Years 12 or 13 in order to attend any of our work experience programmes.

Please note, as a member of PRIME, our summer work experience programme is aimed at increasing access to the legal profession for students who meet the following PRIME criteria.

You must attend, and have always attended, a state-funded non-fee paying school/college and satisfy at least one of the criteria listed below:

You have been, or are currently, in local authority care.

You are currently in receipt of, or have previously received, free school meals, Pupil Premium, Education Maintenance Allowance and/or 16 to 19 Bursary.

You are, or have been, a full-time or part-time carer.

You came to the UK as a refugee or asylum seeker.

The occupation of your main household earner is categorised as a routine or manual occupation. A summary of this can be found here.

You are attending a state school or college with:
a) below average A-Level or Higher point score and/or
b) low rate of progression to higher education
(PRIME Work Experience School Eligibility Criteria).

You grew up in a household where no parent or guardian attended University.

Note: young people who meet the local authority care criterion do not need to meet any other criterion.

How to apply

Work Experience

Hear what our past participants have said about our programme

I enjoyed being able to develop on my presenting skills. I also enjoyed being part of an impactful campaign and having the chance to present to BDB Pitmans’ partners and directors, it felt like being on an episode of The Apprentice. Loved that for us.

I enjoyed the presentation aspect of the project as i was able to share my findings with key members of the firm and they genuinely seemed intrigued to hear what i have come across.

I think what I enjoyed most about the project activity was the fact that it allowed me to gain a skill in confidence and crowd engagement. Before this week, I had always been relatively shy about presenting in front of anybody really. However, the support of the panel and others during the week allowed me to show my confidence and engage properly with the crowd.

I really did love my time spent in my chosen departments, I learnt a great deal and was met with nothing but kindness. On top of this, I must say that my time spent networking and making connections with others was also very insightful.

I loved the friendliness of everyone I encountered. I appreciate how personalised it was and I’m very grateful to have been part of such a lovely experience for us as students.

I loved the CV writing aspect. As it allowed me to understand the nature of a CV and what goes into it. This session also helped me gain insider knowledge into what a recruiter is looking for which, in the long run, will be absolutely beneficial to me as it would me that i can tailor the CV to what an employer is looking for.

I have really enjoyed my week and so can honestly say that I’m gutted to be leaving. Throughout the week I’ve learnt a plethora of new skills and also met amazing new professionals and students.

My overall experience at BDB Pitmans this week has been nothing short of incredible. Being able to have this experience in the City of London this week has been nothing short of surreal. I have enjoyed my time here so much and it has really opened doors for me to understand what my life can be like if I work hard for it. The firm has been amazing, with all members being supportive and willing to engage in conversation. Everyone has been so kind and welcoming, and it is that fact that has made this overall experience perfect.

Equity, diversity, and inclusion at BDB Pitmans

Our Offices

One Bartholomew Close

20 Station Road

The Anchorage, 34 Bridge Street
Reading RG1 2LU

4 Grosvenor Square
Southampton SO15 2BE


The Anchorage, 34 Bridge Street
Reading RG1 2LU

4 Grosvenor Square
Southampton SO15 2BE

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© BDB Pitmans 2025. One Bartholomew Close, London EC1A 7BL - T +44 (0)345 222 9222

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