Judicial Review
Decisions taken by a public body should be the product of a reasonable and lawful process, administered openly and fairly.
We have extensive experience of acting for defendant public bodies that are subject to judicial review, and seeking to defend robust decision-making.
We also represent claimants – corporates, professionals and other individuals, and charities, amongst them – who are seeking to challenge unlawful decisions; and we frequently appear for interested parties too.
Members of our team have been involved in some of the most widely reported judicial review cases of recent years, including acting for the Law Society against the Lord Chancellor, and representing a national healthcare body in a highly-sensitive challenge under Article 2 of the ECHR in the field of mental health.
We can advise on:
- Professional regulation
- Police and law enforcement
- Healthcare
- Education
- Planning
- Environmental Law
- Immigration
- Consultation and engagement
Our depth of public law experience – and of working, and litigating, for central Government enables us to understand the backdrop against which individual decisions are taken in a way few other firms can.
Combined with the complementary public affairs and parliamentary service that we provide, this means BDB Pitmans is uniquely positioned to help clients prosper, dealing not only with the immediate threat of litigation, but also with any associated reputational downside. It also enables us to provide support across the full spectrum, from legal to practical, and ensures that we never lose sight of the big picture from our clients’ perspective.
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""'BDB Pitmans is efficient; the department prepares cases well and handles clients well. They're good to work with and work hard for clients.'
Chambers UK, 2024